Thursday, January 25, 2007

Some Screenshots of my Pearl

So I wanted to post some screenshots of my new BlackBerry Pearl I thought these were pretty nifty features different from what I had on my 8700 or earlier model BlackBerry devices. I thought you would enjoy these.

So the first is the Messages list. As you can see, you are still able to identify normal messages and messages with attachments. But a few other neat things. If you receive a message from the BlackBerry Messenger app, it shows up in the message list at the time it arrived! It shows up yellow if the message is unread and changes back to blue when the message has been read. The second picture shows Level 1 messages can be identified because they are in red. That's great for those users who like bold fonts by default - this allows users to identify level 1 messages from all the others!

The second thing I'd like to point out is something I ran across under the Options >> Security Settings. Its a way to identify Enterprise messages (BES) from Other messages (BIS, SMS, PIN, ETC.). That way us users who are on a BES but also view other email accounts on the device can determine which ones they are currently reading or emailing from when the message screen opens. Pretty neat!

The last are all of the available emoticons available on the BlackBerry Messenger app. I don't remember seeing all of these selections on the 8700. Most are the same but I think we have a few additional ones.
So anyway, these are my screen shots. If I run across anything else later, I'll be sure to let you know. Start saving up for your BlackBerry Pearl!


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